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"Never Deficient in Their Duty"

Chronology of Marine Corps Major Battles and Events 1812-1815
Mar 18.…….. The “Patriots War” begins. United States forces, including Marines from the camp on Cumberland Island, Georgia, cross the St. Mary’s river into Florida in an effort to seize it from the Spanish.
Jun 18.……… United States declares war on the Great Britain. Public law calls for a total Marine Corps strength of 1869 officers and enlisted men. There are roughly 1,200.
Jun 23.…….. USS President engages HMS Belvidera.
Jul 19.……… Marines take part in the successful defense of Sackett’s Harbour NY on Lake Ontario.
Aug 13.…….. USS Essex captures HMS Alert.
Aug 19.…….. USS Constitution destroys HMS Guerriere.
Sep 12.…….. Battle of 12 Mile Swamp outside of St Augustine, Spanish East Florida.
Oct 18.……… USS Wasp captures HM Brig Frolic.
Oct 25.……… USS United States captures HMS Macedonian.
Oct 28.……… USS Essex begins her incredible cruise beginning Marine Lt. John Gamble’s great adventure.
Nov 10 …….. US squadron on Lake Ontario captures three British vessels.
Dec 29.…….. USS Constitution destroys HMS Java.
Feb 9 ………. Marines take part in raids on the Indian towns of Payne and Bowlegs in East Florida, burning them down.

"Ambush, Twelve Mile Swamp" By Col Charles Waterhouse, USMCR Ret.
Feb 24.…….. USS Hornet captures HM Brig Peacock.
Apr 16.…….. Marines serving aboard the gunboats off of Mobile AL. Major Carmick is to lead a landing party against the city, but the city surrenders without a fight.
Apr 27 …….. Marines on board the Lake Ontario fleet during the attack on York, Upper Canada (Toronto). Marines stay aboard the ships as a precaution in the case the British fleet appeared.
May 6.……… “Patriot’s War” ends when US forces are withdrawn from Florida.
May 27..……. Marines of the Lake Ontario squadron land at Newark, Upper Canada as a part of the amphibian assault on Ft. George. After the fort falls the Marines remain ashore tasked with protecting civilians from looting and damage by the U.S. Army.
May 29.…….. Marines help defend the American base at Sackett’s Harbour, NY.
May 30.…….. USS Essex captures the armed British whaler Greenwich. Lt. John Gamble is placed in command of the Greenwich making him the only Marine to command a United States ship of war.
Jun 1.………. HMS Shannon captures the USS Chesapeake
Jun 18.……… Marines are on board gunboats off Norfolk, Virginia for an attack on the HMS Junon.
Jun 22.……… Battle of Craney Island
Jul 14.……… USS Greenwich, commanded by Lt. Gamble, captures the Seringapatam.
Jul 31 ………. Marines of the Lake Ontario squadron

Amphibious Assault on Fort George, Upper Canada. Archives of Ontario
land with soldiers under the Command of Col. Winfield Scott at York to capture stores and burn British barracks.
Aug-Oct…..Marines on board Commodore Chauncey’s fleet take part in a series of naval engagements on Lake Ontario.
Aug 1………..Lt. John Brooks and Marines at Erie PA, along with Army and Militia artillery take part in artillery duel with British fleet as it comes within range of the shore.
Aug 12.…….. After petitioning the Commandant for a chance to meet the enemy, Capt. Samuel Miller and 100+ men from Marine barracks Washington are sent to defend Annapolis Md.
Aug 14.…….. USS Argus is captured by HM Brig Pelican.
Sep 4 ………. USS Enterprise destroys HM Brig Boxer
Sept 10.…….. Marines participate in the Battle of Lake Erie. Lt. John Brooks is killed in action.
Oct 24.……… Marine Barracks, Portsmouth, New Hampshire is established
Dec 24.….….. Lt. Gamble leads a landing force onto Nuka Hiva Island in the Marquesas Islands to force the indigenous people to return items they had previously taken.
Mar 28.…….. USS Essex is captured by HMS Phoebe and HMS Cherub off Valparaiso, Chile.
Apr 29.…….. USS Peacock captures HMS Empervier.
Jun 12.……… Capt. Samuel Miller leads 114 officers and men and three, 12 pound field pieces from Washington to St. Leonard’s Creek MD, to help protect the Commodore Joshua Barney’s Chesapeake Flotilla. They arrive after a five-day march over rain flooded roads.
Jun 26.……… The Second Battle of St. Leonard‘s Creek
Jun 28.……… USS Wasp captures HMS Reindeer
Jul 20.………. Marines on the upper lakes (Lakes Erie and Huron) squadron land at St. Joseph on Lake Huron alongside some soldiers destroying a fort and barracks.
Aug 4.……… Battle of Michilimackinac Island
Aug 14.…….. Marines and soldiers of the upper lakes squadron land at the mouth of the Nautauwasaga River in Lake Huron and capture a blockhouse.
Aug 24.…….. 117 Marines led by Capt. Samuel Miller participate in the Battle of Bladensburg.
Sep 1.………. At White House VA, Marines and seamen build earthworks and bombard the British fleet as it withdraws down the Potomac from Washington.
Sep 1.………. USS Wasp captures HM Brig Avon.
Sep 3.………. Marines, seamen and militia defend the USS Adams from a British land assault in Hampden, Maine. The ship eventually has to be burned and the Marines and sailors march to Portsmouth Navy Yard.
Sep 12.………Approx. 170 Marines along with sailors are placed in the center of the defensive line outside of Baltimore. Their arrival bolsters the spirits of the defenders.
Sep 16.…….. Marines guard the Washington hotel Congress is using as a meeting hall.

"The Final Stand at Bladensburg" by Col. Charles Waterhouse USMCR Ret.
Sep 16.…….. Marines take part in a landing to destroy the pirate stronghold on Grand Terre Island, Louisiana.
Oct 17.……… Marines take part in a landing on Grand Terre Island, Louisiana to disrupt pirate efforts to reestablish their base.
Dec 15.……..Marines take part in the action between the five gunboats, stationed at New Orleans under the command of Lt. Thomas Ap Catesby Jones and a British flotilla on Lake Borgne, Louisiana.
Dec 22.……..Marines from the Portsmouth Naval Yard and the USS Congress assist in fighting a fire in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.
Dec 23.……..Night battle of December 23rd outside of New Orleans
Dec 24.……..A peace treaty is signed in Ghent, Belgium between representative of the United States and Great Britain bringing about the means to end the War of 1812. For the treaty to become effective it must be ratified by each government.
Dec 27.……..Marines are aboard the USS Carolina in the Mississippi River during her artillery duel with British shore batteries.
Dec 28.……..Marines form a part of Gen. Jackson’s force that repels a British attack on the American defensive positions.
Jan 8.……….. Marines form a part of Gen. Jackson’s force that crush a British attack on the American defensive positions outside of New Orleans.

Jan 15.……… USS President is captured by a British squadron
Feb 20.…….. USS Constitution captures HMS Levant and HMS Cyane.
Mar 23.…….. USS Hornet Captures HM Brig Penguin.
Jun 30.……… USS Peacock captures the East India Company Brig Nautilus.
"The Batle of New Orleans" by Col. Charles Waterhous USMCR Ret.
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