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"Never Deficient in Their Duty"

1812 US Marines Library
Welcome to the 1812 U. S. Marines Library page. Here you will find a wide range of written sources concerning the United States Marine Corps in the War of 1812 as well as the War of 1812 and other related events and subjects.
While these works are placed here for all to read and learn from please note that they are the property of the author or institution that created them and, unless the are in the public domain (published in the United States before 1925) they may not be published or presented, in any form, by any other individual or organization without expressed written consent of the owner.
Articles, Monographs, Essays
A Concice History of the Marine Corps in the War of 1812 Era
Public Domain Books, Pamphlets, etc
A Masonic Oration on the Death of Brother William S. Bush
Library of Congress/ LOC.GOV
Marine Corps Casualties
War of 1812 Era
Memorial Of Lt. Col. J. M. Gamble of the United States Marine Corps
Google Books
Marine Corps Officers
War of 1812 Basics:
Causes and Consequences
An Authentic History of the Second War of Independence
Google Book
Official Letters of Military and Naval Officers of the United States
Durign the war with Great Britain in the years 1812, 13, 14 & 15
Google Books
James Bird:
The Man, the Legend and Ballard
The Florida Patriot War
Brass Confussion: Long Misidentified Artifact...
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